She is comfortable in her own skin.
She is comfortable in her own skin. The Goddess Series
The women in these paintings are women we know, have known or may know in the future. They are the women we all long to be and seldom get to. Women experience fleeting moments of inspired joy, strength and confidence in a world where they are asked to do so much. These moments come and go but our true desire would be to feel this power at all times. This series explores female archetypes, the weight that these ideals place on women in society and the shedding of these ideals. The number three tends to be a number of power and spiritual importance. The original idea for this series is based on a study of the Fates in Greek mythology. They are Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. Respectively they spin, weave and cut the threads of human existence, powerful beings indeed.
36” x 48”
A woman carrying a protest sign can trigger many a discussion. Activists promote change in face of inequality. This has been true since the beginning of time. The idea of the protector in this piece is a proactive forward facing attempt to create a world that is safe for all especially the weak, the young and living beings that cannot speak for themselves. The Protector, in this piece, firmly but gently makes her way forward, enlisting the help of other like-minded beings in order to show that there are better ways to shape this world.
Seeking what is unknown, even dangerous, to find the truth.
Inspired by the brave souls during the protests which brought much to light.
Saint Gobnait & Saint Brigid &Saint Ita
This series has its beginnings in the chaotic events of 2020. The sadness, loneliness and fear from the mandates and protests caused me to contemplate what it could look like when people would be able to gather again. What it would be like if we could see each as pure souls. Colors, clothes, possessions would not matter. We could greet each other with joy, love and compassion.
Voices of Reflection Exhibit 20th Anniversary of 9-11
Voices of Reflection Exhibit 20th Anniversary of 9-11
The labyrinth asks one to walk a pilgrimage of meditation. In our increasingly busy world the labyrinth can be a tool to problem solve, quiet the mind and find solutions. It might be difficult to find a walking labyrinth so by creating wall labyrinths one can bring this practice indoors and use it as a tool to navigate life’s challenges.
These images are the impressions of the glimpses one gets while traveling by car, train or bus. Bits of landscape that can inspire the imagination.
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 10”x10”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 5”x5”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 12”x12”
Oil and Cold Wax Medium, 8”x8”
The joy of working abstractly is the element of surprise. It can be a spiraling event that leaves one breathless. Sometimes there is great disappointment. At that moment when all is falling apart and there is nothing left to lose, anything is possible.